Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Miss Sarah's Cogitation

Well, as a bonafide Latham I thought it appropriate to contribute something to this whatever you like to call it! Hmm....what to write what to write...

So today I was working at the health clinic here at Wadeye doing admin and I got passed a gorgeous black bub (or 'kardu wakal' as they're more correctly called) and he somehow managed to dribble about 7 litres of dribble down my shirt as I stood there photocopying...the local ladies thought it was quite amusing.  

On other news, I have just another five weeks here until I fly to the States for three weeks. There I'll be mainly visiting friends from my DTS and checking out some ministries...International House of Prayer in Kansas and Bethel Church in California. After than I'll be heading back to Darwin to continue my studies in community development. Really looking forward to all of that but loving my time here. It's been so good to be back at Wadeye, my love for the people has only grown and although it's a determined choice at times, it's so worth it, and when we think of Christ's love for us, there is simply no alternative. What a privilege we have been given to love the a way much more deeply than the cliche. And every virtue we could possess - love, hope, faith, joy - comes from the Lord!
All my fresh springs shall be in Thee - Psalm 87:7

May you go confidently forward in God,
Love Sarah!

Sunday, December 27, 2009


These palm leaves are dried for several days, dyed with natural dyes taken from the ground, roots of trees etc. and then woven into beautiful dilly bags used traditionally for hunting and fishing.

Back at the Ranch

Viv, Sarah being silly with workmates (matching Monday)

Viv is having a break from long hours at the Wadeye clinic and has taken a day job in Darwin for a time. A bit tricky while Roger remains at Wadeye doing security at the school.  So far several break ins have occurred, next year hope to have teams here to keep kids busy and help keep an eye on the place. Jord, Lari and Skye on holiday and Sarah at Wadeye doing admin in the clinic for the Uni break. Viv is hoping to travel to Wadeye every 2 weeks for the weekend and Roger will be able to fly home once school resumes.

Melbourne time (in the big smoke)

These beautiful ladies from Hills church in Melbourne have been supporting the women and babies in Wadeye for over a year with these  new Mum's packs. Viv has been giving the packs to the Mums after they have their babies, they are so blessed to receive them.

After Sim's wedding we had several days in and around Melbourne catching up with friends.  3 glorious days at Faye's home in Rye down the Peninsula.  Faye kindly opened her beautiful home next to the ocean to us.  A bit chilly for the northerners but we managed a very quick dip in the ocean. 

Christmas at Palumpa

This year we went to Palumpa and helped some friends run the community's first ever party. Emparo (from the Phillipines) ran some great games with the kids and even got the adults up for dress ups! Rog and 'Big John' shared the Christmas story in English and Murrinhpatha (respectively) and John had a preach up which was awesome (not that we knew what he was saying). The next day the people told Paul and Emparo they enjoyed it so much they've asked us to come back for New Year's as well. It's great that the shop and butcher are supporting!

Emparo in action

Rog and some family (the troopy's under there somewhere!)


We are very blessed to have Jen in our family (finally)! Sim and Jen were married on the 5th of December at the Wier in Albury, it was a beautiful morning as the bride came zooming in on a speedboat. They are now off in Thailand for 3 week honeymoon.

Sim's cheesy grin won her heart...

    Skye steals the show, very funny! 

The Family (and Rog's sister Julie)

Indig Men's Camp

In September we had a Men's camp at the Beswick waterfall. It was the first Men's camp for the Top End and about 35 men made it between Wadeye and Yirrkala. We had an awesome time in God's presence with baptisms and late night/early morning meetings every night for 3 days. We finished off with a great meeting in Beswick joined by the ladies, so it was good to see the men and women minister together. It was exciting to witness men of the East and West coming together for God. We were blessed with a beautiful spot to camp - compulsory swimming everyday!!